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High Level NATO Visit from HQ SACT

Kiel, Germany

(left to right) CDR (NLD N) Veenstra, CAPT (GRC N) Christou, RADM (NLD N) Tas, CAPT (DEU N) Wetters, CAPT (TUR N) Durak, CAPT (DEU N) Matthesius

For the first time after having taken his post, the SACT Assistant Chief of Staff Capabilities at HQ SACT, Rear Admiral (NLD N) René Tas, joined the COE CSW in his role as the COE CSW Flag Officer Champion for an information exchange. Besides being briefed on the COE CSW in general and with a deeper look into aspects of the COE CSW Programme of Work, several topics related to the working links between the COE CSW and NATO were discussed. In addition, high level developments in NATO where touched upon and scrutinised with regard to potential effects on the COE CSW, its Programme of Work and enhanced opportunities for the COE CSW to support NATO.

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