About US

The COE CSW is a NATO-accredited International Military Organisation, working as a think-and-do tank in support of  NATO`s  warfare capabilities development.


Our mission is to provide joint and combined Subject Matter Expertise in the range of Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters (CSW) for NATO and the nations participating in the COE CSW in order to advance future developments, and in particular, to support NATO Transformation.


The COE CSW team comprises approximately 30 individuals from 10 nations.
Learn more about our Leadership


The Concepts and Doctrine Branch (CD Branch) supports NATO’s transformation needs to meet modern and emerging security challenges on the maritime domain, with emphasis on operations in Confined and Shallow Waters (CSW). They provide Subject Matter Expertise on researching, addressing capability gaps and risks, offering guidelines for potential solutions and developing studies, concepts and NATO doctrines.
Concepts serve as a vehicle for doctrine developers, while a doctrine eventually defining how Alliance Armed forces operate and utilize maritime power and naval assets.

The Training & Analysis Branch (TA Branch) of COE CSW is to provide joint and combined subject matter expertise in the field of Education and Training, Exercises, Evaluation (ETEE), as well as Analysis and Lessons Learned in order to support NATO’s military transformation, the Sponsoring Nations and Contributing Partner as well as other customers, thereby enhancing the Alliance’s interoperability in the field of operations in CSW.

Within the spectrum of NATO ETEE, we contribute to and complement efforts by offering conceptual workings, workshops, conferences, virtual collective trainings, wargames, tangible support to NATO and multinational exercises and evaluation of HQ`s/TG`s.

Since 2016, the COE CSW is the NATO Department Head (DH) for the Maritime Operations (MarOps) Discipline functioned by TA Branch. As such, the COE CSW translates NATO’s training requirements for Maritime Operations into E&T solutions and coordinates all efforts to overcome identified gaps in individual and collective training issues.

Analysis and Lessons Learned is an important trigger for improving NATO doctrines and capabilities. We assist NATO Headquarters and NATO Nations in executing the Lessons Learned process by gathering observations and working on tailored solutions.

The Staff Organization & External Relations Branch (SE Branch) is integral to COE CSW, providing administrative and IT support. It manages event coordination, Programme of Work development, and external contacts. The Admin & Support Cell handles personnel matters, correspondence, office supplies, and the staff car pool. The Information Technology Cell ensures smooth operation of networks and maintains technical links and websites. In addition to these administrative tasks, the other branches are supported with specialist expertise. The SE Branch is also responsible for cooperation with prominent external entities and organizations, like the Munich Security Conference (MSC). In this context, special events are planned and conducted, e.g. the Maritime Security Side Event for high-ranking participants at the MSC. 

Our Leadership


#STRONGERTOGETHER The #COECSW and the #GermanMaritimeWarfareCentre just conducted an intense Matrix-Style Wargame, featuring key players from NATO Maritime Command , #CTFB, #GermanNavy, #DanishNavy, and #SwedishNavy. A big shoutout to Ewa Skoog Haslum and Jan Christian Kaack for their visionary sponsorship, making this game a reality. We were honored to have Frank Lenski visit during the event, bringing valuable insights and strengthening our collaborative efforts. The action unfolded in the Baltic Sea, zeroing in on the strategic Kattegat area. Thank you to all participants for the exceptional gameplay and engaging discussions that followed. It was an enriching experience where everyone learned a lot from each other. #MilitaryExcellence #NATO #Teamwork
We are happy to have supported BALTIC FORTRESS 2024, the annual tactical and operational level exercise which took place in Klaipeda from 4-7 NOV. This year the exercise was planned and run by the Lithuanian Navy. We utilised COMMAND Professional Edition to run a wargame. This exercise provided a unique opportunity for tactical discussions between Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian Naval Commanders and representatives from the recently established Commander Task Force (CTF) Baltic. #COECSW #CTFBALTIC #DEUTSCHEMARINE #NATO #STRONGERTOGETHER 📸Pictures by Tom Donausko

OPEX Blue Whale
Deutsche Marine setzt auf experimentelle Verfahren

… Selbstverständlich war auch der Expertiseträger für dieses besondere Seegebiet eingebunden: das Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters der NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization aus Kiel (COE CSWCentre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters). Es verknüpfte sein eigenes Innovationsprojekt „From Seabed to Space” mit dem OPEX und ermöglichte so die experimentelle Anbindung des Blue Whale in das Lagebild der Marine…


The COE CSW organises two major events per annum:

  • In winter, the Annual Discipline Conference in execution of the function as the Department Head in the Maritime Operations Discipline;
  • In autumn, the Conference on Operational Maritime Law, the highlight event of our Activity.

Additionally the COE CSW organises a considerable number of workshops, meetings and other events.

Annual Discipline Conference 2025 (MarOps ADC 25)

March 19, 2025 – March 20, 2025

Maritime Operations – Annual Discipline Conference 2025
(MarOps ADC 25)

Maritime Enterprise Advisory Board Working Group I-2025
(MEAB WG I-25)

  1. In accordance with the Global Programming battle rhythm, the MarOps ADC 25 will be conducted residentially at the premises of the Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters (COE CSW), located at the German Naval Base Kiel, from 18 March (a.m.) to 19 March (noon) 2025.


  1. The COE CSW as assigned Department Head for the MarOps discipline will lead the ADC with support from HQ MARCOM under the guidance of Headquarters Supreme Allied Command Transformation.).


  1. The purpose of the MarOps ADC 25 is to:
    -review old and identify new MarOps Discipline Training Requirements,
    -further develop the landscape of MarOps E&IT opportunities (i.e. programmes, courses, seminars),
    -update the functional relations between MarOps training institutions, NATO Command Structure & NATO Force Structure, and
    -discuss options to synchronize efforts, save resources and coordinate processes in maritime Education and Training (E&T).

    The main outcome of the ADC will be the MarOps Discipline Alignment Plan (MarOps DAP) 2025 which will reflect the major developments and achievements.


  1. As agreed with MARCOM, this event will be held again in combination with the MEAB WG I-25 from 19 March to 20 March.


  1. The Maritime Enterprise Advisory Board Working Group is the standing working group of the Maritime Enterprise Advisory Board (MEAB), providing a forum for collaboration at a staff officer level and feeding the MEAB with maritime recommendations and inputs as directed.


  1. Both meetings address, to a large extent, the same target audience (NATO & national N or J 3/5/7 officers) and will, therefore, be held back-to-back at the same venue in the same week.

10th Conference on Operational Maritime Law 2024

September 2, 2024 – September 5, 2024

We hope you can join us for the 10th Annual Conference on Operational Maritime Law (COML). Following the success of our previous conferences, the Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters – in co-sponsorship with the Stockton Center for International Law at the U.S. Naval War College, the University of Basel, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia – is delighted to gather military operators, legal experts, members of civil society, and scholars together in Ljubljana, Slovenia from 2-5 September 2024.

“The times change, and we change with them”

The Conference on Operational Maritime Law 2024 is designed to facilitate an exchange of knowledge and experiences between naval practitioners and legal experts, to enhance the efficacy of military operations at sea. Through lively discussion and hands-on training, we will examine relevant legal challenges facing the maritime law community and navies across multiple topic areas. This year we have increased our Conference Training Program to provide additional learning opportunities for legal advisors and operators to improve their competence through numerous tabletop exercises, case studies, and fictional vignettes.

Presentations and discussions will include the following topics:

  • Protection of Critical Infrastructure at Sea
  • Chinese aggressive behavior in the ECS, Taiwan, and SCS
  • Menace in the Red Sea Region
  • New Developments in Autonomous and Unmanned Systems
  • Two Capstone Trainings:
    • The Indo-Pacific
    • Hybrid Scenarios in the Baltic

Our Events

The COE CSW organises two major events per annum:

  • In winter, the Annual Discipline Conference in execution of the function as the Department Head in the Maritime Operations Discipline;
  • In autumn, the Conference on Operational Maritime Law, the highlight event of our Activity.

Additionally the COE CSW organises a considerable number of workshops, meetings and other events.
Further information will be provided on a sub-page in due time prior to each event.

Highlights of Our Work

This section provides just a brief glimpse into our work. Our comprehensive projects and diverse activities extend far beyond the highlights listed here, reflecting our ongoing commitment and wide-ranging expertise.

Operational Maritime Law

At first glance international law provides a well-defined framework for military action. However, it is all too evident from day-to-day practice in any operation that application is a nontrivial task. It is rather the key challenge, governed by each particular situation as well as individual legal interpretations.

Experience shows that legal views and opinions are not necessarily shared amongst the experts and nations. On the contrary, differing legal positions constitute not only an eternal and natural phenomenon, but also a potential for controversial discussions in the international community, including within NATO member states.

With regard to maritime operations, a broad variety of legal spheres, norms, and systems as well as different jurisdictions must be taken into account. Read more …

At first glance international law provides a well-defined framework for military action. However, it is all too evident from day-to-day practice in any operation that application is a nontrivial task. It is rather the key challenge, governed by each particular situation as well as individual legal interpretations.

Experience shows that legal views and opinions are not necessarily shared amongst the experts and nations. On the contrary, differing legal positions constitute not only an eternal and natural phenomenon, but also a potential for controversial discussions in the international community, including within NATO member states.

With regard to maritime operations, a broad variety of legal spheres, norms, and systems as well as different jurisdictions must be taken into account. Theserange, for instance, from the law of the high seas over particular maritime legal conventions/ regimes up to the national legislation of a coastal state, or from the law of armed conflict to specific international as well as national legal obligations for military forces.

The closer a theatre of operations is situated towards a coast, the more complex the operational environment, including the legal issues, will be. Not just in crisis and conflict but also in peacetime during routine operations, a wide range of legal questions may spontaneously arise during the planning and execution of a mission which could significantly impact its achievement. Very obviously, the awareness of existing legal regulations, boundaries, as well as vacuums is paramount for a successful conduct of maritime operations.

In this context, the COE CSW aims to establish a network of legal experts from military, academic, and civil organizations across the globe in order to offer high quality advice and practical legal solutions to the Alliance, to NATO member states and partner nations, as well as each individual member of the community.

Our activity on Operational Maritime Law is focussed on the tactical and operational levels. Generally, it covers legal aspects arising in the geography of Confined and Shallow Waters where the overwhelming majority of relevant legal challenges to maritime operations occur. However, our scope – like the international law – is not limited to a regional sphere; instead we are following a universal approach, both with regards to the global perspective as well as the goal of achieving a common understanding.

Consequently our main objective is the definintion of broadly consented legal positions that states and international organizations may use as a basis for their policy and handbooks as well as for the planning and conduct of operations or for educational purposes.

Therefore the major outcomes – facilitated through conferences, workshops and commission sessions – are well-founded legal proposals on mission related issues. None of which pose obligations to any governmental or military actors nor do they establish international law by themselves. However, if states and international organizations take up these findings, our activity could contribute to, at a minimum, the clarification and refining of law, up to the creation of international maritime law in the long-term.


The COE CSW provides three Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) courses both for internal and external participants.

In all three courses you´ll be introduced to topics where our experts have deep knowledge and specialist skills relevant to militaries and civilian personnel working in NATO and partner nations.

  • ADL 240 – NATO Ready & Responsive Maritime Forces
  • ADL 431 – Introduction to Confined and Shallow Waters (CSW)
  • ADL 432 – Introduction to Harbour Protection Operations in NATO

Our ADL courses are accessible and delivered through NATO´s Joint Advanced Distributed Learning (JADL) portal, which offers all functionalities of a modern Learning Management System.

To access the ADL courses open the JADL home page in your web browser and create a JADL account.

For optimal experience, use the Microsoft Edge or the Google Chrome browser.


Since 2022 the Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters (COE CSW) has been conducting wargames to train decision-making for maritime staff on the tactical level. These wargames provide a perfect opportunity to test and improve internal staff procedures littoral scenario. The results arising in this safe-to-fail environment are not assessed by the COE CSW enabling the participants to learn from their mistakes. The serious-gaming software COMMAND Modern Operations – Professional Edition allows us to tailor the scenarios towards the needs of the customer quickly. The wargames can be conducted at the COE CSW premises or elsewhere.

We deliver decision-making experience to maritime tactical staff. Interested: Feel free to contact us…

Our Partners

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We specialize in cutting-edge solutions for maritime missions in confined and shallow waters. Our expert team is dedicated to addressing the unique challenges of these waters efficiently. Connect with us to enhance your operations.

Centre of Excellence
for Operations in
Confined and Shallow Waters

Schweriner Straße 31
D-24106 Kiel Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 431 71745 - 6301

Centre of Excellence
for Operations in
Confined and Shallow Waters

Schweriner Straße 31
24106 Kiel Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 431 71745-6301