Air Operations (AO) COE also known as the Centre for Analysis and Simulation of Air Operations (CASPOA) Location: Lyon, France Expertise: command and control in joint and multinational air operations. The centre uses computer assisted exercises (CAX) and command post exercises (CPX) to achieve this objective. The COE also analyses lessons learned from both real operations and exercises to aid in training personnel and developing simulation tools. Framework Nation: France Accreditation: 2008
Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) COE Location: The Hague, the Netherlands Expertise: improving civil-military interaction and cooperation between NATO, Sponsoring Nations and other military and civil groups by utilising the skills and expertise of CIMIC’s own staff. The centre is also open to other international organisations (European Union, non-governmental organisations and scientific institutions). Framework Nations: Germany and the Netherlands Accreditation: 2007
Cold Weather Operations (CWO) COE Location: Bodø, Norway Expertise: focuses on operations in the extreme cold and collaborates with other institutions, for instance the Mountain Warfare COE in Slovenia. Framework Nation: Norway Accreditation: 2007
Combined Joint Operations from the Sea (CJOS) COE Location: Norfolk, Virginia, United States Expertise: countering global security challenges by improving the ability of the Sponsoring Nations and NATO to conduct combined joint operations from the sea. It also advises the Alliance on how to improve multinational education, training, doctrine and interoperability on maritime operations. Framework Nation: The United States Accreditation: 2006
Command and Control (C2) COE Location: Utrecht, the Netherlands Expertise: providing expertise on all aspects of the Command and Control (C2) process with a focus on the operational environment. It also assists NATO with exercises and assessment processes and supports ACT Headquarters with policy, doctrine, strategy and concept development, and provides C2 training. Framework Nation: The Netherlands Accreditation: in 2008
Cooperative Cyber Defence (CCD) COE Location: Tallinn, Estonia Expertise: fostering cooperation, capabilities and information sharing on cyber security between NATO countries using, for instance, exercises, law and policy workshops, technical courses and conferences to prepare NATO and sponsoring nations to detect and fight cyber attacks. It also conducts research and training on several areas of cyber warfare. Framework Nation: Estonia Accreditation: 2008
Counter-Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED) COE Location: Madrid, Spain Expertise: enhancing the capabilities needed to counter, reduce and eliminate threats from improvised explosive devices (IEDs) by offering multinational courses for C-IED experts. Framework Nation: Spain Accreditation: 2010
Counter Intelligence (CI) COE Location: Kraków, Poland Expertise: helping to expand the capabilities of the Alliance, its member countries and partners by providing comprehensive expertise in the area of counter-intelligence. It aims to act as a catalyst for NATO adaptation and operations by supporting the development, promotion and implementation of new policies, concepts, strategies and doctrine that transform and enhance NATO counter-intelligence capabilities and interoperability. Framework Nations: Poland and Slovakia Accreditation: 2015
Crisis Management and Disaster Response (CMDR) COE Location: Sofia, Bulgaria Expertise: helping NATO, its members and partner countries in improving their capacity to deal with crises and disaster response operations through collaborative partnerships. Framework Nation: Bulgaria Accreditation: 2015
Defence Against Terrorism (DAT) COE Location: Ankara, Turkey Expertise: defending against terrorism, providing training on counter-terrorism, assisting in the development of doctrine and helping to improve NATO’s capabilities and interoperability. It also publishes the Defence Against Terrorism Review twice a year. Framework Nation: Turkey Accreditation: 2006
Energy Security (ENSEC) COE Location: Vilnius, Lithuania Expertise: supporting NATO’s capability development process, mission effectiveness, and interoperability in the near, mid and long term by providing expertise on all aspects of energy security. Framework Nation: Lithuania Accreditation: 2012
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) COE Location: Trenčín, Slovakia Expertise: supporting and enhancing NATO transformation and operational efforts in the EOD area, while improving relations, interoperability and practical cooperation with partners, NATO command elements, member countries and international organisations. The Centre also works with NATO in the areas of standardization, doctrine development and concept validation. Framework Nation: Slovakia Accreditation: 2011
Human Intelligence (HUMINT) COE Location: Oradea, Romania Expertise: human intelligence expertise for Strategic Commands and other NATO bodies to improve interoperability and standardization, and contribute to doctrine development through experimentation, testing and validation. Framework Nation: Romania Accreditation: 2010
Joint Air Power Competence Centre (JAPCC) Location: Kalkar, Germany Expertise: improving the space, land and maritime air power operations of the Alliance by developing and advancing new ideas for the command, control and use of air assets from all service branches, while ensuring the implementation of those ideas. It also supports the Strategic Commands and Sponsoring Nations. Framework Nation: Germany Accreditation: 2005
Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence (JCBRN Defence) COE Location: Vyškov, Czech Republic Expertise: develops defence doctrines, standards and knowledge with the goal of improving interoperability and capabilities in the area of CBRN defence. It advises NATO, Sponsoring Nations and other international organisations and institutions and shares lessons learned. It also trains and certifies the CBRN Defence Task Force of the NATO Response Force. Framework Nation: The Czech Republic Accreditation: 2007
Maritime Security (MARSEC) COE Location: Istanbul, Turkey Expertise: expand the capabilities of NATO and Partner Nations by providing comprehensive innovative and timely expertise in the field of Maritime Security Operations Framework Nation: Turkey Accreditation: 2020
Military Engineering (MILENG) COE Location: Ingolstadt, Germany Expertise: joint and combined military engineering, with the aim of improving interoperability. Framework Nation: Germany Accreditation: 2010
Military Medicine (MILMED) COE Location: Budapest, Hungary Expertise: developing the provision of effective, sustainable and ethical full-spectrum health services at best value to the Allies. It focuses on medical training and evaluation, standards development and lessons learned, while striving to improve multinational medical capabilities and interoperability. Framework Nations: Hungary and Germany Accreditation: 2009
Military Police (MP) COE Location: Bydgoszcz, Poland Expertise: enhancing the capabilities of Military Police in NATO, fostering interoperability, and providing expertise on MP activities. Framework Nation: Poland Accreditation: 2014
Modelling and Simulation (M&S) COE Location: Rome Italy Expertise: focus on education, training, knowledge management, lessons learned, analysis, concept development, experimentation, doctrine development and interoperability in the field of modelling and simulation. Framework Nation: Italy Accreditation: 2012
Mountain Warfare (MW) COE Location: Poljče, Slovenia Expertise: preparing both individuals and units for operations in mountainous and other difficult terrain, as well as in extreme weather conditions. More specifically, developing mountain warfare-specific doctrine and tactics; concept development and experimentation; mountain warfare lessons learned process; supporting capability development, and education and training. Framework Nation: Slovenia Accreditation: 2015
Naval Mine Warfare (NMW) COE Location: Oostende, Belgium Expertise: providing Naval Mine Countermeasures (NMCM) courses to naval personnel from Belgium and the Netherlands. It also acts as NMCM technical advisor to Allied Command Operations, assists NATO’s Operational Commands and offers courses to NATO, partner and other non-NATO countries. Framework Nations: Belgium and the Netherlands Accreditation: 2006
Security Force Assistance (SFA) COE Location: Rome, Italy Expertise: promoting stability and reconstruction efforts for conflict and post-conflict scenarios through related lessons learned, education and training analysis, development of concept and doctrine activities. Framework Nation: Italy Accreditation: 2018
Stability Policing (SP) COE Location: Vicenza, Italy Expertise: increasing contributions to the stability and reconstruction efforts of the Alliance in post-conflict scenarios. Framework Nation: Italy Accreditation: 2015
Strategic Communications (StratCom) COE Location: Riga, Latvia Expertise: developing improved strategic communications capabilities within the Alliance by helping to advance doctrine development and harmonisation, conducting research and experimentation, identifying lessons learned from applied StratCom during operations, and enhancing training and education. It also operates as a hub for debate within various StratCom disciplines: Public diplomacy, public affairs, military public affairs, information operations and psychological operations. Framework Nation: Latvia Accreditation: 2014