Diverse Challenges – Common Answers
This year’s NATO Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters (COE CSW) Operational Maritime Law Conference took place in the city of Copenhagen, Denmark, from 24-27 September. Following a truly interdisciplinary approach more than 130 Naval Officers, attorneys, and experts from academia and industry from 30 countries across the globe critically examined authorities and contemporary issues on the law of armed conflict, cyber threats, self-defense, ocean conservation and marine pollution, and regional security challenges. The conference enjoyed its largest number of participants to date and continues to be the leading legal convention within the alliance and with partner nations.
The COE CSW team received exceptional support from the Royal Danish Defence College in order to make this year’s event possible. Participants were invited to a banquet dinner at the beautiful “Langelinie Pavillonen”, located on the waterfront of Langelinie overlooking the famous The Little Mermaid statue. Copenhagen proved to be an innovative meeting point for legal experts and operators to collaborate and discuss legal matters and challenges relevant for current or prospective operations.
We are proud to announce our 7th Conference which will be held in Madrid, Spain in September 2019. For more information about COE CSW legal activities, visit www.operationalmaritimelaw.org.