NATO Maritime Operations by Annual Discipline Conference 2023
(MarOps ADC 2023)
The 8th NATO MarOps Annual Discipline Conference (MarOps ADC 2023) was conducted on 21-22 March 2023 in Hamburg, Germany. COE CSW led through the ADC with support from both HQ MARCOM N7 representing the Requirement Authority (RA), and ACT Joint Force Development (ACT JFD). The ADC engages interested stakeholders from the Education, Training, Exercises and Evaluation (ETEE) Community of Interest (CoI) for the regular revision of the NATO MarOps discipline´s requirements, and seeks to measure the effectiveness of Education & Training (E&T) solutions.
The Department Head MarOps is currently finalizing the MarOps Discipline Alignment Plan 2023, capturing the main outcome of the MarOps ADC 2023.