Setting the future course of MCM Systems
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) employed in Naval Mine Warfare is a topic of high interest for NATO and Partner Navies. Therefore the Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters (COE CSW) has been requested to develop a Study Paper regarding the status and use of AUVs in current and future naval Mine Counter Measure (MCM) operations.
On 03 and 04 May 2017 the COE CSW hosted the 3rd in a series of AUV Workshops in Kiel. The international experts from various NATO Entities and Navies, Industry (Atlas Elektronik, Saab, Thales, Fr. Lürssen Werft, ECA Group, Teledyne, Hydroid), Academia (Pisa University), and a Research Institute (DEU WTD 71) perceived enthusiastically the opportunity to exchange information about current types of and future trends in unmanned systems. A number of thought provoking presentations provided the perfect ground for very fruitful discussions about prospective MCM requirements, especially the flexible and modular use of AUV. The findings of this project will also feed into the Tier 1 NATO Smart Defense Project FIT FOR CSW.
This Workshop was assessed as a very success by all participants as the COE CSW was able to provide once more the perfect conditions for an open exchange of ideas and experience.